HIIT Hard Boxing


On Sunday
We Box

What to Expect

High Intensity Level of Dynamic and Functional Warm-ups & Workouts

The Punch/ Defense/ & Footwork Breakdown:

The Introduction to punches that resonate with all level from beginners to professionals along with learning 2 to 3 defense moves that are incorporated into combination building and last but not least FOOTWORK, we work our way up from feet to head because of how Important footwork is, it’s incorporated early and in everything that we do.

Combination Building: Learning how to flow with a flurry of punches without losing form, defensive structure or confidence.

Drilling and Mitt Work: Building boxing combinations with coaches 1-on-1 and in small group variations reiterating all the knowledge gained within the day.


$35 Per Class

On Sundays We Box. 2 Hour Class. Boxing with High Intensity training, Defense Work, Footwork, Combination Building, and Drilling and Mitt Work.